Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions about chiropractic.

Although chiropractic is one of the leading alternative and natural therapies available, people still seem to know little about what we do and what we are able to help with. Below are some common questions we get asked over the phone and in practice each week.

It’s probably a muscular problem, can you still help?

Yes – although chiropractors adjust the joints and bones of the body this has an overall effect on how the body works, as a whole. The muscles of the spine attach directly to the spinal bones and joints, an adjustment (chiropractic treatment) addresses both things. Our chiropractors also do muscle release techniques and will refer to a massage therapist when necessary.

Will ACC cover my appointments?

If you have had a recent injury and can name and time, date and event that the pain started then, yes, we can lodge an ACC claim directly from our practice. If you have an existing ACC claim number that is no longer than 12 months old, we can also use this if your symptoms have no resolved.  

What’s that cracking sounds?

The crack or pop you hear in a manual adjustment is actually gas moving in the joint when it has been adjusted. The bones are not being pushed back into place as one may think.

How long do you study for?

In New Zealand a chiropractic degree takes 5 years to complete. The New Zealand College of Chiropractic is a private institute in Auckland, this is where you train. During our study we not only learn anatomy and adjusting techniques but also radiology (taking x-rays), neuroscience, pathology, pharmacology and more. Chiropractors are primary health care practitioners, so we are taught (similar to a GP) to recognise when we need to refer out for more serious conditions.

Do I need to keep coming back?

The short answer is yes, with any pain or injury you will need to stick to your initial care plan to get on top of this pain and problem. Healing and change take time. An Initial care plan is likely to be set between 4-8 weeks depending on the scenario.

Long answer is that we encourage people to change their thinking about their spinal health and look at chiropractic as something to add to their self care tool belt. Regular maintenance appointments help you keep feeling good rather than just fixing a problem.

Will it hurt?

Some techniques can be a little uncomfortable and often after an appointment you may feel tender or out of sorts (as with any manual therapy). However, we pride ourselves on patient comfort and we will always make sure you are feeling as comfortable during the appointment as possible.

Do you just ‘fix’ backs?

No, in fact we don’t fix anything. Our goal is to restore proper function to the body and help ease any tension in the spinal joints and promote healthy nervous system function. This means we looks at all aspects of the body, not just the spine. We have help with extremity problems, headaches and much more. We do not just focus on back pain but overall well-being.  

Can I come when I am pregnant?

Yes, chiropractic is safe and recommended during pregnancy. We adjust our techniques to suit the changing body.

Is chiropractic for adults only?

No, we see people of all ages, newborns, school age, elderly. Chiropractic for kids is becoming more and more common and can help with many health concerns.

Hopefully this gives you some insight into what we do. To find out first hand you can book a Free 15 Min consult and see one of your chiropractors in the practice.




Low Back Pain