Is Chiropractic only for pain?

Do I need to have pain to see a chiropractor?

This is a common question we hear in practice and the short answer is no! This is because the problem has often been building over a period of time and pain is the final sign that our body sends us. By this point many stressors have been building up and it is often something small and seemingly insignificant that will be the final straw. As chiropractors we check the spines function to find areas that may not be functioning at their best even before pain begins.

Many of our practice members choose to receive care even when not in pain to keep their bodies functioning at its best. A research study also found that those under regular chiropractic care over a year period had less days in pain that those who only sought care when in pain. Feel free to chat to one of our chiropractors to find out how your body may be able to function even better before you get to the point of pain.

Dr Emily Neil (B.Chiro)

Eklund, A., Jensen, I., Lohela-Karlsson, M., Hagberg, J., Leboeuf-Yde, C., Kongsted, A., ... & Axén, I. (2018). The Nordic Maintenance Care program: Effectiveness of chiropractic maintenance care versus symptom-guided treatment for recurrent and persistent low back pain—A pragmatic randomized controlled trial. PloS one, 13(9), e0203029.


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